The COVID-19 crisis has motivated many businesses to offer a delivery service.
If your business visits someone's home or office... then you should be using Neighbourhood Cards!
They're a super simple, cheap and an effective way to get your business in front of your prospects (with pretty much no effort!).
The best way to hand out your cards is to enforce a '5 either side and 5 opposite' approach.
So, once you've completed your job (each and every job - no exceptions!) you simply drop in one of your Neighbourhood Cards to each premise or home...'s that simple.
Sometime you may be able to physically hand the card to someone... great! Start the conversation and explain why you're doing that and what sort of services you provide.
But, if you can't, don't worry!
Just wait for the person to require the service you're offering, they'll remember your neighbourhood card and give you a call - magic!
Remember: The jobs not complete until the cards have been dropped! This is one of eleven strategies in our Foundations Workbook designed to help you acquire new clients systemically.